13 research outputs found

    Morphological variability, chorology and phylogeography of species of the genus Goniolimon Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae) in southeastern Europe and the Apennine peninsula

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    Rod Goniolimon obuhvata 20-30 taksona rasprostranjenih u severnoj Africi, Evropi i Aziji. U ovoj studiji je ispitivano svih sedam ranije opisanih vrsta ovog roda prisutnih na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva. U cilju formulisanja taksonomskog koncepta roda na ispitivanom području, analizirana je varijabilnost deset kvalitativnih i 20 kvantitativnih morfoloških karaktera kod 1092 jedinke, formirani su identifikacioni ključevi, i prikazana je distribucija i ekologija ispitivanih taksona. U cilju utvrđivanja porekla i evolutivne istorije ispitivanih taksona, analizirana je sa filogenetskog i filogeografskog aspekta varijabilnost dva hloroplastna lokusa, rpl32-trnL i 3′rps16-5′trnK, kod 110 jedinki. Potvrđeno je prisustvo šest vrsta roda Goniolimon na ispitivanom području, dok je vrsti G. italicum sa Apeninskog poluostrva promenjen status u rang podvrste u okviru vrste G. tataricum, G. t. subsp. italicum. Opisane su i dve nove podvrste za nauku, G. t. subsp. croaticum i G. t. subsp. graecum, čime je broj taksona roda Goniolimon na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva revidiran na devet. Utvrđeno je da je evolutivna istorija zapadnih, perifernih populacija vrsta roda Goniolimon na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva bila veoma složena, i uslovljena, između ostalog, veoma kompleksnim lokalnim geo-istorijskim događajima. Naime, inicijalno širenje drevne linije G. tataricum po području jugoistočne Evrope je bilo moguće tokom Mesinijske krize saliniteta, a veoma kompleksni geo-istorijski procesi na ispitivanom području tokom pleistocena su omogućili naknadne talase širenja detektovanih evolutivnih linija u pravcu istok-zapad iz refugijuma lociranih izvan Balkanskog poluostrva kao i njihovu dalju specijaciju. Uočena je pojava inter- i intraspecijske hibridizacije/introgresije, kao i zadržavanje ancestralnih polimorfizama kod G. tataricum i srodnih taksona tokom vremena.The genus Goniolimon includes 20-30 taxa distributed in North Africa, Europe and Asia. In this study, all seven previously described species of this genus present in southeast Europe and the Apennine Peninsula were examined. In order to formulate the taxonomic concept of the genus in the study area, the variability of ten qualitative and 20 quantitative morphological characters in 1092 individuals was analyzed, identification keys were formed, and the distribution and ecology of the studied taxa were presented. In order to assess the origin and evolutionary history of the studied taxa, the variability of two chloroplast loci, rpl32-trnL and 3′rps16-5′trnK, in 110 individuals was analyzed from phylogenetic and phylogeographic aspects. The presence of six species of the genus Goniolimon in the examined area was confirmed, while the status of the species G. italicum from the Apennine Peninsula was changed to the rank of a subspecies within the species G. tataricum, G. t. subsp. italicum. Two new subspecies for science were also described, G. t. subsp. croaticum and G. t. subsp. graecum, which revised the number of taxa of the genus Goniolimon in Southeast Europe and the Apennine Peninsula to nine. The evolutionary history of the western, peripheral populations of Goniolimon species in the southeastern Europe and the Apennine Peninsula was found to be very complex, and conditioned, among other things, by very complex local geo-historical events. Namely, the initial spread of the ancient G. tataricum line in the southeastern Europe was possible during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and very complex geo-historical processes in the study area during the Pleistocene enabled subsequent east-west waves of expansion of detected evolutionary lineages from refugia located outside of the Balkan Peninsula, as well as their further speciation. The occurrence of inter- and intraspecific hybridization/introgression was observed, as well as the retention of ancestral polymorphisms in G. tataricum and related taxa over time

    New species and nomenclatural changes in the checklist of the Croatian flora

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    Popis flore Hrvatske i baza podataka Flora Croatica (http://hirc.botanic.hr/fcd) dopunjeni su i preinačeni s jednom novoopisanom vrstom (Luzula divulgatiformis Bačić et Jogan), tri novopronađene vrste (Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Cardamine fialae Fritsch, Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss.) te s dvije nomenklaturne preinake.The checklist of the Croatian flora and the Flora Croatica database (http://hirc.botanic.hr/fcd) are modified and updated with one new described species (Luzula divulgatiformis Bačić et Jogan), with three new discovered species (Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Cardamine fialae Fritsch, Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss.) and two nomenclatural changes

    New species and nomenclatural changes in the checklist of the Croatian flora

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    Popis flore Hrvatske i baza podataka Flora Croatica (http://hirc.botanic.hr/fcd) dopunjeni su i preinačeni s jednom novoopisanom vrstom (Luzula divulgatiformis Bačić et Jogan), tri novopronađene vrste (Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Cardamine fialae Fritsch, Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss.) te s dvije nomenklaturne preinake.The checklist of the Croatian flora and the Flora Croatica database (http://hirc.botanic.hr/fcd) are modified and updated with one new described species (Luzula divulgatiformis Bačić et Jogan), with three new discovered species (Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Cardamine fialae Fritsch, Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss.) and two nomenclatural changes

    Goniolimon dalmaticum Rchb. f. and G. tataricum (L.) Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae) in the Croatian flora and their distribution in the Balkan Peninsula

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    Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss. is recognized as a new species for the Croatian flora. Besides G. dalmaticum Rchb. f., G. tataricum represents the second species of this genus in Croatia. To confirm the identity of G. tataricum as a new species, morphometric study and multivariate statistical analysis were performed on the data from four Croatian populations of G. dalmaticum and G. tataricum. Based on results of morphometric analysis, an identification key for these two species is provided. Data about distribution in the Balkan Peninsula, habitat and ecology of the newly-recorded species are also presented. Typification of G. dalmaticum was performed for the first time

    Heavy metal tolerance of Pontechium maculatum (Boraginaceae) from several ultramafic localities in Serbia

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    Pontechium maculatum, a facultative metallophyte, was collected from four ultramafic localities in Serbia and analysed in terms of micro- and macroelement accumulation. The aim of the study was to reveal trace element profiles and differences in uptake and translocation of heavy metals in populations growing under heavy metal stress. The concentrations of major and trace elements in soil samples (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu, Co, Cd) and in plant tissues (Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu, Co, Cd) are presented. The results of our analysis indicate that P. maculatum efficiently absorbs Zn and Cr, while for most of the other elements accumulation levels fit in the range of values obtained for several other species from ultramafic localities on the Balkan Peninsula

    Novi i značajni podaci o biljkama, algama i gljivama iz JI Evrope i susednih regiona, 10

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Lemanea rigida and Paralemanea torulosa, mycorrhizal fungi Amanita simulans and Terfezia pseudoleptoderma, parasitic fungus Microbotryum vinosum, saprotrophic fungus Sarcoscypha jurana, stonewort Chara tenuispina, mosses Brachytheciastrum collinum and Meesia longiseta, monocots Dactylorhiza romana and Neotinea maculata and dicots Adenophora liliifolia, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Tanacetum corymbosum subsp. cinereum are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions.U radu su prikazani novi i značajni podaci sa područja JI Evrope i susednih regiona o sledećim taksonima: crvenim algama Lemanea rigida i Paralemanea torulosa, mikorizalnim gljivama Amanita simulans i Terfezia pseudoleptoderma, parazitskoj gljivi Microbotryum vinosum, saprofitnoj gljivi Sarcoscypha jurana, pršljenčici Chara tenuispina, mahovinama Brachytheciastrum collinum i Meesia longiseta, monokotilama Dactylorhiza romana i Neotinea maculata i dikotilama Adenophora liliifolia, Ambrosia artemisiifolia i Tanacetum corymbosum subsp. cinereum

    Novi i značajni podaci o biljkama, algama i gljivama iz JI Evrope i susednih regiona, 9

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Lemanea fucina and Paralemanea annulata, parasitic fungus Anthracoidea pratensis, saprotrophic fungi Cyathus olla, Massaria campestris, and Xylaria sicula, stonewort Chara canescens, liverworts Gymnomitrion commutatum and Porella baueri, moss Acaulon triquetrum, monocots Anacamptis laxiflora, Cephalanthera damasonium, and Himantoglossum robertianum and dicot Jacobaea othonnae are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions.U radu su prikazani novi i značajni podaci sa područja JI Evrope i susednih regiona o sledećim taksonima: crvenim algama Lemanea fucina i Paralemanea annulata, parazitskoj gljivi Anthracoidea pratensis, saprofitskim gljivama Cyathus olla, Massaria campestris i Xylaria sicula, pršljenčici Chara canescens, jetrenjačama Gymnomitrion commutatum i Porella baueri, mahovini Acaulon triquetrum, monokotilama Anacamptis laxiflora, Cephalanthera damasonium i Himantoglossum robertianum i dikotili Jacobaea othonnae

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 14

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatom algae Cyclostephanos invisitatus, Cyclotella meduanae, and Stephanodiscus lacustris, mycorrhizal fungi Alessioporus ichnusanus and Amanita mairei, saprotrophic fungi Diaporthe oncostoma, Stropharia albonitens and Pseudomassaria chondrospora, lichenised fungus Acrocordia subglobosa, stonewort Chara connivens, mosses Buxbaumia viridis, Tortella fasciculata and Tortula protobryoides, monocots Epipactis pontica Gymnadenia frivaldii, and Orchis italica and dicots Callitriche brutia, Callitriche platycarpa and Epilobium nutans are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 15

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: saprotrophic fungus Geastrum morganii, Guignardia istriaca and Hypoxylon howeanum, mycorrhizal fungus Amanita friabilis and Suillus americanus, xanthophyte Vaucheria frigida, stonewort Chara hispida, liverwort Calypogeia integristipula and Ricciocarpus natans, moss Campylopus introflexus, Dicranum transsylvanicum, Tortella pseudofragilis and Trematodon ambiguus, fern Ophioglossum vulgatum subsp. vulgatum, monocots Epipactis exilis, Epipactis purpurata and Epipogium aphyllum and dicots Callitriche cophocarpa, Cornus sanguinea subsp. hungarica and Viscum album subsp. austriacum are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Morphological variability, chorology and phylogeography of species of the genus Goniolimon Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae) in southeastern Europe and the Apennine peninsula

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    Rod Goniolimon obuhvata 20-30 taksona rasprostranjenih u severnoj Africi, Evropi i Aziji. U ovoj studiji je ispitivano svih sedam ranije opisanih vrsta ovog roda prisutnih na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva. U cilju formulisanja taksonomskog koncepta roda na ispitivanom području, analizirana je varijabilnost deset kvalitativnih i 20 kvantitativnih morfoloških karaktera kod 1092 jedinke, formirani su identifikacioni ključevi, i prikazana je distribucija i ekologija ispitivanih taksona. U cilju utvrđivanja porekla i evolutivne istorije ispitivanih taksona, analizirana je sa filogenetskog i filogeografskog aspekta varijabilnost dva hloroplastna lokusa, rpl32-trnL i 3′rps16-5′trnK, kod 110 jedinki. Potvrđeno je prisustvo šest vrsta roda Goniolimon na ispitivanom području, dok je vrsti G. italicum sa Apeninskog poluostrva promenjen status u rang podvrste u okviru vrste G. tataricum, G. t. subsp. italicum. Opisane su i dve nove podvrste za nauku, G. t. subsp. croaticum i G. t. subsp. graecum, čime je broj taksona roda Goniolimon na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva revidiran na devet. Utvrđeno je da je evolutivna istorija zapadnih, perifernih populacija vrsta roda Goniolimon na području jugoistočne Evrope i Apeninskog poluostrva bila veoma složena, i uslovljena, između ostalog, veoma kompleksnim lokalnim geo-istorijskim događajima. Naime, inicijalno širenje drevne linije G. tataricum po području jugoistočne Evrope je bilo moguće tokom Mesinijske krize saliniteta, a veoma kompleksni geo-istorijski procesi na ispitivanom području tokom pleistocena su omogućili naknadne talase širenja detektovanih evolutivnih linija u pravcu istok-zapad iz refugijuma lociranih izvan Balkanskog poluostrva kao i njihovu dalju specijaciju. Uočena je pojava inter- i intraspecijske hibridizacije/introgresije, kao i zadržavanje ancestralnih polimorfizama kod G. tataricum i srodnih taksona tokom vremena.The genus Goniolimon includes 20-30 taxa distributed in North Africa, Europe and Asia. In this study, all seven previously described species of this genus present in southeast Europe and the Apennine Peninsula were examined. In order to formulate the taxonomic concept of the genus in the study area, the variability of ten qualitative and 20 quantitative morphological characters in 1092 individuals was analyzed, identification keys were formed, and the distribution and ecology of the studied taxa were presented. In order to assess the origin and evolutionary history of the studied taxa, the variability of two chloroplast loci, rpl32-trnL and 3′rps16-5′trnK, in 110 individuals was analyzed from phylogenetic and phylogeographic aspects. The presence of six species of the genus Goniolimon in the examined area was confirmed, while the status of the species G. italicum from the Apennine Peninsula was changed to the rank of a subspecies within the species G. tataricum, G. t. subsp. italicum. Two new subspecies for science were also described, G. t. subsp. croaticum and G. t. subsp. graecum, which revised the number of taxa of the genus Goniolimon in Southeast Europe and the Apennine Peninsula to nine. The evolutionary history of the western, peripheral populations of Goniolimon species in the southeastern Europe and the Apennine Peninsula was found to be very complex, and conditioned, among other things, by very complex local geo-historical events. Namely, the initial spread of the ancient G. tataricum line in the southeastern Europe was possible during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and very complex geo-historical processes in the study area during the Pleistocene enabled subsequent east-west waves of expansion of detected evolutionary lineages from refugia located outside of the Balkan Peninsula, as well as their further speciation. The occurrence of inter- and intraspecific hybridization/introgression was observed, as well as the retention of ancestral polymorphisms in G. tataricum and related taxa over time